My Weather

Sunday, August 05, 2007

My last post?

This could very well be my last post. Tomorrow, I’m “wheels in the well” and on my way to Kuwait. I don’t know if I will be able to keep up with this blog from there on not (the military is cracking down on bloggers and quite often, the websites are restricted).

My original intent in writing this blog was to keep my family and a few close friends informed as to what I was up to while I was over here. I purposely tried to stay anonymous by avoiding using certain key words—words like JCCS-1, RFF-611, EWO and a few others. But, I guess Google was smarter than me. From time to time, other Navy guys would say: ‘hey I know you, you write ‘My Desert Adventure’ ”. Well so much for anonymity! I guess it is a good thing—I was forced to keep all of my war stories closer to reality.

I had no idea what Iraq would be like when the “IA fairy” touched me last fall. It truly has been a fascinating adventure, one where I learned a lot and saw many things. I tried to write about as many as I could; from the mundane (like the fact they use old tank treads as speed bumps) to the downright asinine (like having to fill sandbags in order to eat lunch) to the political (just who is who over here).

I enjoyed writing this blog—it gave me an opportunity to reflect on the world around me, share what I was experiencing and get to read some really wonderful comments that helped so much to close the miles.

This picture was taken at my farewell ceremony last night. This may have been a relatively short chapter in my life, but a significant one nonetheless. At times it was difficult and frustrating, but in the end, it a very rewarding experience. I hope that I made a difference.
One thing that I know for certain: all that I accomplished over here, I couldn’t have done without the tremendous and loving support of my wife, Braye. She bore the real burden of this deployment. It is because of her hard work, dedication and love; I could focus all my efforts into my job. For her I am so very grateful. She made all the difference.


aunt arlis said...

David: We are so proud of you. You have represented our family, our country, and both the Army and the Navy well. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for serving your country. It sounds like this has been, in some ways, a constructive experience for you. We are grateful for that. There's a saying that what doesn't kill you makes you better. You are already better--one of the finest. We look forward to seeing you shortly!! Love, Arlis and Pete

David M said...

Trackbacked by The Thunder Run - Web Reconnaissance for 08/05/2007
A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention updated throughout the day…so check back often. This is a weekend edition so updates are as time and family permits.

Rasczak said...


I don't know how often you read these, but I will tell you this.
Your blog has opened my eyes to many things. You've helped me to understand a lot about what's going on in the world and have helped me to see things that I would not have seen otherwise. Your blog, despite what you feel it may have been, has made a rather large impact on me and I'm sure countless others.

Thank you. Thank you and your family. May God bless you and yours for everything you have done and the impact you have made.


Obob said...

well done and thank you

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