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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

WMDs and Peanut Butter

This is a picture of the Perfume palace. According to local legend, this was the residence of senior bath party concubines—thus the name.
One of the reason we invaded Iraq was the threat of WMDs.
Did Saddam have WMDs when we invaded? Who knows? But look at his behavior beforehand:
He used them before on the Kurds as well on Iran.
He refused to allow inspectors in.
We received intelligence that he was trying to reconstitute his WMD programs.

Given the preponderance of the evidence, we acted correctly at the time. When speaking about the Global warming, Al Gore said “we have to act, even if the science is wrong, the consequences are too dire to take the risk of doing nothing” Himm dire consequences—questionable evidence. So to paraphrase the inventor of the internet: we need to error on the side of caution.
Remember the great peanut butter recall from a few months ago? Well Wal-Mart is still sold out of peanut butter. Why? Because Wal-Mart and consumers threw out all of their peanut butter. I think it comes under the philosophy of “better safe than sorry”
Would any mom send her kids to school with a peanut butter, jelly and Salmonella sandwich? No, of course not.
Can you imagine the outcry if Saddam did launch a chemical warhead against another country? Liberals would be screaming from the hill tops to impeach the president because he didn’t act on the intelligence he had.
Ok, so Saddam didn’t have an active WMD program, so what. The world is still a better place without him.

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