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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Almost done in Ft. Huachuca...

I took my final exam today. I did fairly well on it, tomorrow I have to give a brief and submit my paper. I feel so much like I am in high school that a bunch of us are going to hang out in the Wal-mart parking lot later.

A guy from my command in Iraq came buy today to give us a brief. Once I get to Iraq, I will then find out where I’m ultimately going. As it stands right now, once I’m in country I will:
Be assigned to an Army of Marine Corps unit
Stay on the my command’s staff in Bagdad
Go to Qatar
As of right now, we have no clue as to where we will be going or exactly what we will be doing. I received an email from a friend of mine from Japan. He is doing the same thing that I will be doing over there. It would be great to turn over with him. He is a good guy and I know that the program he will leave me will be top notch.

As far as going to Iraq goes, I don’t want anyone to worry. Iraq sounds scary, but in reality, it isn’t so bad. Thanks to the liberal media, only the doom and gloom is presented. When I was flying F-18s, I relied on the “big sky, little airplane” theory to help me avoid mid-air collisions. It worked. In Iraq, I’m counting on the “big country, only a few bad guys” theory.
In all seriousness, my job is a safe job, in a safe area. I honestly feel that driving through Pensacola in the mornings is more dangerous that Iraq—a bunch of rednecks, late for work and they hyped up from watching the latest NASCAR race—now that’s scary.

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