My Weather

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

This is the Army???

Wow, I’ll try not to say anything negative about the Army and the process we went through today. Today was gear issue and it took all day. Much of that time was spent waiting. To get our boots, we had to wait almost 2 hours for the civilians to finish their lunch break. Sounds like a nice time for a leisurely lunch—nope! We got to eat cold MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) I had the chicken fajitas. It sounded good but once I opened the package, I had a flash back to the science shows we watched in elementary school—the ones where the momma birds regurgitate to their babies. Not the best meal I had ever had. In the Navy, to look after the troops, we tried to give them a decent place to sleep, decent food and something to do on the off time. We so far the Army ahs fallen short on the food, barracks and as far as free time—well, I haven’t had much of that.
On a happier note, Braye and the girls are doing well. As of a few hours ago, I am officially one day closer to coming home.

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