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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Little Differences

There are numerous little differences here that serve as a constant reminder that we are very far from home. I will try to share as many of these little differences as I can. One that comes to mind is eating. I can’t show pictures of the DFAC—no cameras are allowed. To get inside, you have to show your ID card and weapon. It is basically “no gun, no bullets, no service.” Once inside, you have to wash your hands before you can get a plate. From what I was told, this requirement came from a lesson learned from the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Back then, sickness was rampant in their Army and it was attributed partly to a lack of hand washing. (Note, I am not hinting for more hand sanitizer in care packages). Once inside, the DFAC looks like you average cafeteria. Believe it or not, they frequently have live music. One of the Army divisions has a band and they have several musicians performing live during meals. Why? I have no idea. Some of them, like the flute section, are pretty good. Unfortunately, a lot of the time it sounds more like the local high school band room during practice than a restaurant. I have been driven away a time or two by an over zealous tuba player.

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