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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Off duty entertainment

I spend most of my time working, but I do have some free time every now and then. 3 days a week, I have fairly late meetings, so I simply head back to my trailer and go straight to bed. On my lighter days, I typically watch some TV or read a book after work. The MWR (Morale Welfare and Recreation) department has certain events, but they are usually geared towards the younger guys—things like basketball tournaments, Salsa night, Texas Hold ‘em games, etc. In the Army, it is possible to take a entire day off during deployment, but I haven’t been able too yet. I have taken a few half days though—that is when I went to the Flintstones Palace. Today, I may go to a local market and do some shopping for the folks back home—of course I have to squeeze the trip in between meetings.
Braye sent me several history books to read (the closet thing I can get to the History Channel) While reading, I came across several interesting tidbits of information, which may make it as a regular feature in this blog:

All fish swim in schools—with the exception of Herring, which swim in shoals.

I am also posting more pictures of some of the everyday sights around here. They may or may not have anything to do with what I write about. I just want to share as much as I can so everyone can get a feel of what this place is like.

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