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Monday, May 07, 2007


This is one of the ceilings inside the old Presidential palace

Most of the pictures I sent have been from an exclusive part of Iraq—where the privileged members of the Baath party worked, lived and played. There is another part of the country—one that is trashed and derelict. It is difficult to take pictures in those areas, since I have other things worry about.
Interesting, the quality of life hadn’t diminished for the elite of Saddam’s regime. Saddam funneled money from the UN’s oil for food program and spent it on palaces and other luxurious items. His people suffered. I guess the suffering of average Iraqis didn’t matter to the anti war crowd—if it were up to those folks, they would just keep giving the UN another chance. To them, results don’t matter, only the appearance of doing something does.

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